Republika Slovenija
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GMOs on the Slovenian market

On the Slovenian market, GMOs approved in the EU according to two procedures are allowed. According to the procedure in compliance with the Directive 2001/18/EC, GMOs are approved for production and/or for placing on the market as products or in products. According to the procedure in compliance with the Regulation 1829/2003, GMOs can be approved on the market as food and/or feed. The lists of approved GMOs are managed by the competent authorities of the European Commission and are therefore in English.


At the moment, the licence for production in the EU is only held by genetically modified maize, which is resistant to the corn borer and contains the genetic modification with the mark MON 810. The maize varieties approved for production are listed in the Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species.


Several GMOs are approved for putting GMOs on the market as products or in products, but not for production.


The greatest number of GMOs was approved according to the procedure for food and feed List of authorized GMOs for food and feed in the EU; more of them are still in the authorization procedure  List of GMOs pending authorisation for food and feed in EU.